Thursday, 8 November 2012

Seth on Survival

Howdy folks!
I hope you're all having a good week. I'm pretty pumped that this week is coming to a close because then I get to hangout with mah boyfraaan.  We haven't seen each other in a couple weeks, so this is exciting, people!!

Ephraim is kind of the topic of today's post.  I may not have mentioned this in so many words, but the boy keep himself busy being an actor for film and TV (if you think he looks familiar and you're between the ages of 14 and 25, yes, he was on Degrassi and yes, he did shoot Drake). 

A couple years ago he played the lead in a web series called Seth on Survival.  The show is about a monster expert (Seth), creating his own web site and video series in his mothers basement, in an attempt to keep the masses safe from attacks by supernatural predators (mostly zombies).  And while I probably should have shared this before Hallowe'en, I think the show is hilarious and can be enjoyed anytime.  Here's the first episode, take a look!
You can check out all the episodes on Youtube, or the Seth on Survival Website, here.

Honestly, Seth is my favourite character that Ephraim has portrayed (yes, more so than the character he was portraying when we met.  That dude was a weirdo!), and it's great that this level of horror and sci-fi is totally appropriate for kids.  The creators of Seth on Survival, Torin Stefanson and Teri Armitage, created another series called My Lupine Life, which takes place in the same universe as Seth.  In fact, Seth makes a guest appearance in one of the episodes! But even greater, is that Seth's part in My Lupine Life, was written by Ephraim.  The writing team (Torin, Teri and Ephraim) won an award at LA WebFest for writing in a horror/sci-fi series. AMAZING.
Examining the contents of the zombie's stomach.  It appears he recently ate Paris Hilton.
The creative team is always working, sending out tweets in character, maintaining the websites, and working at generating more content.  Actually once "Seth" tweeted me, it was very surreal.  So if you liked what you saw, please share it around.  It would be great for this independently produced series to get the recognition it deserves! Plus, you know, I'm awfully proud of Ephraim, and I wanted to share!



  1. hahah. Cute!!!!!!! And, yes, to answer your question, they are punched all the way through. I got them on etsy and they are my favorite pair of shoes. However, I need to get them re-soled as it's about to come right off! :)

    1. You made quite the find with that pair!! I'm glad you're going to get them resoled, I get so sad when people throw out shoes they could just as easily have fixed! We live in a disposable world.


  2. Hello!, I have just stumbled across your blog and thought I should introduce myself as I am a fellow ginger blogger :) By the way, I love the last picture zombies are awesome!

    Enid T xxx

    1. Gingers unite! We are moderately numbered! We are paler-than-average!

  3. Wait, wait, waaaaait...! So are you saying that you DATE the guy who played the guy that shot Drake? Because I totally saw that episode (along with probably every episode he was in!) I thought he looked a little familiar, but I thought I was CUH-razy! Well, I promise to not hold it against him! Haha..

    Does he ever get beef from strangers on the street that recognize him? I always wondered that about certain characters. Like Professor Umbridge for instance, she was the worst!

    xx Cait

    1. Hahaha amazing! I thought Ephraim looked familiar when we first met, I thought maybe we had gone to camp together. No, I had just seen him on TV when I was 14. It took me about a year of dating to admit this to him. So lame.
      He doesn't get beef, but he was once stopped by a guy who recognized him while we were over the border shopping in Target! It was hilarious (I thought). He probably gets recognized more often that that, but I was present at that time.

      Also so far as I am aware, he has never put anybody into a coma. But should I suddenly stop posting...


    2. Hahahah! That's so awesome!

  4. Your blog gives me a total nerdgasm. Seriously. Love it.

    1. This makes me really happy! High praise!


  5. Now I know why you're always able to get this man to pose for you and your camera, he's a star baby! Well, I'm sure even if he wasn't he would pose for you anyways, you're too cute not too ;)

  6. aaah your bf is famous, that's so awesome!! I mean mostly, he sounds awesome!! bcuz i've never minded about meeting famous lame ppl (you know, most celebrities) but that that series looks super cool and i'll def watch more on my next study procrastination moment and that is really impressive that he also wrote it- wow!! if you have children someday they'd be like superstar creative!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I love answering questions (comments, concerns, the works!) so check back sometime for a reply! :)