Vitameatavegamin I Love Lucy collectors edition Barbie I gave my Mum for Channukah, givin' you a sideways glance for the blog's 100th post! |
Watching: The entirety of the James Bond series! I had never seen most of the Bond films (certianly nothing pre-Brosnan), and seeing as how Ephraim owns them all, I thought it was high time to work my way through them. I went to see Skyfall a couple weeks back, and now that I have seen Dr.No and From Russia With Love and Goldfinger I have really enjoyed all the little references to those films in the most recent installment! I mean the Aston Martin is pretty obvious, but the fact that Skyfall begins with Bond and Moneypenny in Istanbul, when she says in From Russia With Love that she wishes Bond would take her there... just such good writing. I love when a series can look back to its beginnings, keep itself on track, and still entertain a modern audience like it's nobody's business. Also, Sean Connery was pretty foxy. So there's that, too. I also wrapped up Breaking Bad last week and MY GOD. I think that was the BEST series finale I have ever seen. I am getting goosebumps just thinking about how everything wrapped up. Wow.
Listening to: Mother Mother - The Sticks. I am so in love with this album, and fell more in love with it after seeing Mother Mother perform in Toronto earlier this month. If you're not familiar with their music, I encourage you give them a listen! My favourite Canadian band, by far.
Planning: A pleasant little holiday break. I don't leave Niagara until boxing day, so I have a couple days on my own to do some crafts, work on whatever last ditch attempts at my Four Simple Goals I can, and probably play some video games. I have an N64, and recently picked up Banjo Kazooie, Kirby 64 The Crystal Shards, and an expansion pack so I can finally play The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. I am probably going to be kind of glued to my TV for a couple days, there. Fun fact: I worked at multiple videogame retailers while in high school, but have never owned a console newer than the N64 (okay well I was gifted an NDS but I don't actually have any games for it, so... I'm not sure it really counts). I suppose I should also plan on actually making the handmade portion of Ephraim's Christmas present too, hmm?
Thinking about: How to fund my life being an independent artist and designer. I have been immensely fortunate in getting a full time gig in the arts doing what I want to be doing, right out of school. But as this position is intended for a recent graduate, the fairy tale has to come to an end sometime. Being self employed full-blown-all-the-time freaks me out, and I have no doubt I will panic and try to get my crappy Fabricland job back to keep me calm (but not really because Fabricland customers mostly suck). I have many practical skills, but haven't as yet had to put my all into getting a small business off the ground as a means to support myself. For the last few weeks I have been dreaming up clothing lines, jewelry concepts, I have worked on acquiring some footwear lasts (the foot form you use to give the shoes shape) so that I can continue to work on my shoe work as I cannot afford to go overseas to complete my training. It's scary, and exciting, and I am so thankful that I have taken the time and effort to build a platform through this blog that I can use as a springboard for future pursuits. So, don't be surprised if this kid starts advertising my own online store around these parts in the (for now rather distant) future. I have plans a-brewing.
Reading: Dune by Frank Herbert. Probably not the best choice as an attempt to complete my pathetic goal of reading 2 books before 2013, as I only started reading it a couple days ago and it is 500 pages long, but I am starting to really get into the mythology of the story.
Making me happy: I have lots of supplies to create some new fun things! I had a big shopping trip to Michael's and Bulk Barn and I am well equipped to make all kinds of bark, brittle, and decorated cookies. It's going to be a tasty week! I also picked up some supplies for a few craft projects I have been wanting to work on, and make use of some items laying around my house. I'm really looking forward to being productive in my upcoming time off! Well, when I'm not playing video games, that is.
"Currently" is a feature started by Megan of the blog Megan is Love. I have used her sample categories, but the answers are all tragically my own.