Monday, 8 October 2012

Ottawa Pt.4: Parliament Hill

The one thing I took copious amounts of pictures of in Ottawa the first (and until now only) time I visited, was Parliament Hill.  Even for a 12 (just 13?) year old me, the Gothic architecture and oxidized copper roofs were just the very greatest.  Somewhere in a box there are dozens of photographs of the wrought iron tops of the buildings, taken with what I am pretty sure were a handful of disposable cameras.  Sometimes, it's strangely reassuring to remember that I have always been such a nerd, and I always will be.  Maybe some day I will actually use the photos as references for a painting, as I had intended back then.  Has the decade in between made me more motivated? 

...Do I have to answer that question right away? 

Though my tastes haven't changed much as far as the points of interest in our buildings of Parliament, and the buildings themselves certainly haven't changed in much longer than that - don't let the constant scaffolding fool you, they're just trying to stop the buildings from crumbling away beneath our Prime Minister - I could at least see a bit of growth in my photography attempts, this time around.  That being said, this was still by far the most touristy thing we did there, so I didn't get too artsy.  
We didn't stick around long, as we were just on our walk back to the hotel to head to the airport, having come from our delicious afternoon tea and a walk around the National Gallery of Canada, but damn if that sky wasn't worth stopping for.  Isn't that just beautiful? I mean, again, never mind all that scaffolding.  I, like probably everyone ever, am very fond of sunbeams cutting through clouds and this image, well, it made me feel strangely patriotic.

Thanks Canada, you're one beautiful place to live. 

And for those of you reading from our great country, happy thanksgiving to you and your families! I am living it up in cottage country, enjoying the gorgeous autumn weather and too much good food.  Perfection.  Certainly feeling very thankful!



  1. breath-taking photos! made me want to go to canada even more! :)

    1. Thank you! How could I not stop for some pictures with the sky looking like that? So gorgeous! Canada is a beautiful and quite varied country, certainly worth a couple visits at least!


  2. I can't believe these photos are real!! This is amazing! Do you know I've never ventured to Canada? I need to get there!!!

    1. Oh Amanda you must make your way up here sometime! Canada has such beautiful landscapes, from rainforest to tundra, and some gorgeous old architecture has been preserved in some of the historic areas. I'm off to the old Quebec City next weekend and it's as close to France as you can get without leaving the continent. I will be taking photos like crazy, of course!!



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